Friday, October 12, 2012

A Very Vintage Halloween

For some people, Halloween means figuring out which sexy human services character to be (nurse, police, firefighter...).  Or figuring out how to make a typically mundane job into something more...titillating (construction worker, anyone?).

I can still remember living in a college town many years ago and seeing a group of girls dressed up as Victoria's Secret 40 degrees-or-below weather, meaning: they were simply wearing lingerie and heels and angel/fairy wings, walking the streets.

Now, I am not going to be judgmental here: wear what you want. Enjoy yourself and your 20-year-old, pre-baby body. But we like our costumes to leave a little to the imagination, and of course, what better way to do that than vintage?  Not to mention that you can still wear/use many of these pieces after October 31st.

Here are four quick and easy costume ideas from the shop--just add a couple of accessories and you'll be ready to party! Or, you know, dole out candy to neighborhood trick-or-treaters, then pick out all of your favorites from your (sleeping) child's bag and go to bed with a sugar high...




Flower Child:   dress /// purse
Heiress:  coat /// dress /// demi-parure
Mod Girl:  dress /// loafers
Wicked Witch:  dress /// booties

What are you going to be for Halloween? Are you incorporating any vintage into your costume? We'd love to see!

Stay tuned next week when we share some pretty cute pint-sized costumes...



  1. Of course I am dressing up and OF COURSE I am wearing vintage. Vintage fur coat with a blonde wig and I will be all ready to hit the town as Margot Tenenbaum! :) I will be sure to post photos! :) Have a great weekend, ladies!

  2. Not only do I love these costume ideas, but I also love your hand-drawn images and lettering that are now gracing your posts!!



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