My sweet husband had a very ambitious idea for an east coast road trip for my 30th birthday. We had to tone it down a bit (two cities, 3 days), but it is still going to be a huge adventure, including, of course, thrifting and vegan foods! Also: a lot of walking and exploring. As a self-professed lover of heels, the only flats in my closet are my running shoes, a pair of Converse and some boots. I want something comfy and easy to take on and I can put my feet up on the dashboard while we belt out duets (oh yes we did).
all images via Etsy (didn't want to give away the shops and create a bias!)
Which pair is your favorite? I am admittedly leaning toward the booties...but love them all. Help! I am the queen of indecision.
NUmber 1!