Friday, October 5, 2012

Outfit Post: From the Shop + DIY

I must admit I am kind of loving this whole indian summer thing that is going on right now in Pennsylvania.  I love me some sunshine....  But I'm also pretty excited to wear fall-like clothes.  We have some awesome things in the shop right now, including this plaid button up and denim skirt.  Both are pieces that work for warm-ish weather and also translate well into cold weather staples (layer, layer, layer!).

Now.  Let's talk boots.  I found this DIY on Mr. Kate (loooooove her) and while it calls for vintage cowboy boots, I was too anxious to wait on finding a pair.  But lo and behold my good old side zip booties. I got these in 2002, at the height of the pointy-toe boots with flared jeans trend and I am so thankful that I went with this pair with slightly more rounded toe because they have stood the test of time!  I'm not a fan of the mid-calf height and loved the idea of turning them into ankle booties (amazing, one of a kind, bohemian ones, at that).  My husband said I'm "cute" for making/wearing these.  Translation:  I love you, even if you wear stuff that's a little crazy for my taste.

I used vintage belts, vintage lace (cut from a night gown), some old gold chain necklaces and t-shirt scraps for the ties.  

My apologizes for the abundance of photos!  I love the light/sun flares in these pictures so much.

boots: DIY via Mr. Kate,  jewelry:  random/vintage/costume

Hope you all have a lovely first weekend of autumn!



  1. You look so pretty, Jayme! I love this skirt and the plaid top -- perfect fall outfit. Love these photos too. :) Wishing you both a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  2. I bought a pair of boots to do this with, but hesitated because they weren't standard cowboy calf height - now I see they can make excellent booties! I love the addition of lace. Beautiful outfit, great pics!

    1. You should definitely give it a try! Even place the belts on to get a feel for how it looks and then glue them in place, if you like what you see!
      Thanks for commenting! xo

  3. Gorgeous photos, I love the outfit and the boot make-over is so clever and cute! I'm on the hunt for some boots that could use some love now!


    1. Thank you very much! Would love to see how yours turn out if you try a pair!

  4. i love this look!! and yes, here in ohio we have the same indian summer. well, at least until this weekend ;)

    1. Thank you Liz! Hope you had a lovely weekend celebrating your little lady! xo

  5. Thanks very much! I was pretty excited with how they turned out. : )

  6. Wow. I don't know how you pulled off changing the boots like that but they are amazing.

    1. They were so fun to make!! I have yet to wear them again because I still feel like they are a little "much" for my day to day wardrobe. Haha But thank you!



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