Friday, September 21, 2012

Recap: Miskabelle's First Pop-Up Shop

Well, it took a lot of work to get everything together, but I finally sold vintage in person for the first time! (I was sad Jayme was able to help me, but thankful my husband doesn't mind some crafting and/or heavy lifting!).  Some of our stock was featured in luri & wilma magazine, and they threw a launch party where you could shop the looks from the shoot, plus other vintage goodies.

The party was hosted at fantastic local shop Ginger Root, and the crowd was fashionable and fun!  Cupcakes and wine were had, photos were taken, vintage was purchased.  I had no idea what to expect, but I learned a lot, had a ton of fun, and I'm ready to do it again soon!

Here are some photos from our fabulous evening in DC:
///Quentin and Aurora took the town by storm (to let me work).  The e-magazine was projected onto the wall, and the eco-friendly reusable tote bags came with the purchase of a ticket!///

///Miskabelle's selling spot--boots and bags galore!///
///me being silly, and me with the raffle winner!///
///Some shots of the lovely editors, Porsha (in yellow!) and Charlie (in a Miskabelle 
red floral dress!)///
///So many fashionable ladies (and gents!) and Megan, l&w's marketing coordinator, looking so cute in a Miskabelle poncho!///

It was a great night, but I took a day (or two) to recover--and that was on only one eco-friendly cup of  wine! ;)  Thanks so much to the ladies of luri & wilma and Ginger Root for the opportunity and for all the help loading and unloading!

Go check out the issue!  It's awesome. You'll spot a lot of Miskabelle duds, as well as a little feature on buying vintage--shared by none other than moi.


1 comment:

  1. yayyayay!!! love it - wish winnipeg wasn't so darn far off from ya!



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